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In the garden of life, where love abides,
Stand fathers of many, in different strides.
Each one unique, with a role to play,
Guiding their children, in their own way.

The Protector Dad, strong and brave,
A guardian who shields, a soul to save.
With gentle hands and a heart so wide,
He stands like a rock, by your side.

The Mentor Dad, wise and true,
Sharing life’s lessons, old and new.
With stories told and advice to give,
He teaches us all, how to truly live.

The Playful Dad, with laughter bright,
Turns every day into a delight.
With games and fun, and a twinkle in his eye,
He brings joy to life, like a clear blue sky.

The Provider Dad, steadfast and strong,
Working hard all day long.
With love as deep as the ocean’s blue,
He ensures we have all we need to get through.

The Creative Dad, with ideas that fly,
Encourages dreams to touch the sky.
With paints and tools, and a vision clear,
He helps us create a world so dear.

The Nurturer Dad, with a tender heart,
Mends our wounds, helps us restart.
With hugs and care, and love so pure,
He makes us feel safe, warm, and secure.

The Adventurer Dad, with a spirit free,
Explores the world with you and me.
With trails to blaze and heights to scale,
He shows us the wonders beyond the pale.

Each dad is special, in his own way,
A beacon of light, come what may.
For in their hearts, love deeply resides,
And in their care, true happiness hides.

So, here’s to the dads, each type and kind,
With love in their hearts and wisdom in mind.

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