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1743 – Philadelphia establishes  a ‘pesthouse’ to quarantine immigrants.
1834 – Wake Forest University is established in North Carolina.
1863 – Samuel Clemens first uses the pen name Mark Twain in a Virginia city newspaper, the “Territorial Enterprise”
1882 – Circus owner PT Barnum buys his world famous elephant Jumbo.
1908 – Supreme Court rules a union boycott violates Sherman Antitrust Act.
1917 – US liner Housatonic is sunk by German submarine, on the same day that US President Woodrow Wilson breaks off diplomatic relations with Germany.
1931 – Arkansas legislature passes motion to pray for soul of journalist H.L. Mencken, after he calls the state the “apex of moronia”
1933 – 1st interstate legislative conference in US opens, Washington, D.C.
1941 – US Supreme Court upheld Federal Wage & Hour law, sets minimum wages & maximum hours.
1951 – Tennessee Williams’ “Rose Tattoo” premieres in NYC.
1959 – American Airlines Electra crashes in NY’s East River, killing 65.
1962 – US President John F. Kennedy bans all trade with Cuba except for food & drugs.
1978 – Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat and US President Jimmy Carter discuss the Middle East peace process in Washington, D.C.
1986 – US President Ronald Reagan announces formation of commission of enquiry on Challenger Accident.
1992 – Maximum NY State unemployment benefits raised to $300 per week.
1993 – Federal trial of 4 police officers charged with civil rights violations in videotaped beating of Rodney King begins in Los Angeles, California.
1994 – President Bill Clinton lifts US trade embargo against Vietnam.
1998 – Karla Faye Tucker is executed in Texas, first woman executed in the United States since 1984.
2009 – Eric Holder becomes 82nd and 1st African American US Attorney General, succeeding Michael Mukasey.
2016 – Rand Paul drops out of the Republican Presidential nomination race.

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