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1677 – Massachusetts gains title to Maine for $6,000.

1852 – Uncle Sam cartoon figure made its debut in the New York Lantern weekly.

1884 – US adopts Standard Time.

1913 – Kansas legislature approved censorship of motion pictures.

1925 – Tennessee makes it unlawful to teach evolution.

1928 – Rudolph Friml’s musical “Three Musketeers” premieres in NYC.

1933 – American banks allowed to reopen after a government imposed bank holiday.

1938 – World News Roundup is broadcast for the first time on CBS radio in the United States.

1950 – General Motors reports net earnings of $656,434,232 (record)

1961 – JFK sets up the Alliance for Progress.

1970 – Digital Equipment Corp introduces PDP-11 minicomputer.

1979 – Isle’s Mike Bossy’s 5th career hat trick.

1980 – Ford Motor Co found innocent in death of 3 women in a fiery Pinto.

1986 – 12th People’s Award Choice Awards: Sylvester Stallone & Meryl Streep win (Motion Picture) and Bill Cosby, Linda Evans win (TV)

1986 – Microsoft has its initial public offering.

1992 – FCC rules companies can own 30 AM & 30 FM stations (formerly 12)

2004 – Luciano Pavarotti performs in his last opera at New York Metropolitan Opera’s “Tosca”

2005 – Bob Iger is named CEO of Walt Disney International, succeeding Michael Eisner.

2012 – Encyclopaedia Britannica announce that it will no longer publish printed versions of its encyclopaedia.

2018 – US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is fired via a tweet from President Donald Trump.

2019 – President Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort sentenced to a further 43 months in jail, to add to his previous 47 months.

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