this day in history
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1894 – United States and China sign treaty preventing Chinese laborers from entering the US.

1898 – John Philip Holland achieves successful test run for the first modern submarine off Staten Island, submerging for 1 hour 40 minutes.

1905 – Albert Einstein finishes his scientific paper detailing his Quantum Theory of Light, one of the foundations of modern physics.

1917 – Delta Phi Epsilon is founded at New York University Law School.

1930 – Construction begins of the Empire State Building, the world’s first skyscraper of 100+ stories, on 5th Avenue in New York City.

1943 – Physician William J. Kolff performs the world’s first ‘hemodialysis’ using his artificial kidney machine. However the treatment is unsuccessful and the patient dies in the Netherlands.

1953 – Bill Veeck says he will sell his 80% of the St Louis Browns Major League Baseball team for $2.47 million.

1958 -US Navy launches Vanguard 1 into orbit to measure Earth’s shape.

1965 – Beatles announce their second film is titled “8 Arms to Hold You.” The title later is changed to “Help.”

1970 – Peter O’Malley becomes CEO of Los Angeles Dodgers.

1973 – Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and a consortium of Western firms led by British Petroleum agree to the formal nationalization of Iran’s oil industry in return for an assured 20-year supply of Iranian oil.

1987 – IBM releases PC-DOS version 3.3.

1991 – New Jersey raises turnpike toll 70%.

1994 – It is announced there is no smoking in Cleveland Indians new baseball park.

1995 – United States approves first chicken pox vaccine, Varivax, by Merck & Co.

2001 – OPEC decides to cut output by 4% or 1 million barrels per day effective April 1.

2012 – MESSENGER spacecraft begins its extended mission.

2019 – Facebook removes 1.5 million videos of New Zealand’s Christchurch mosque shootings in the first 24 hours after the attack, although only 1.2 million blocked at upload.

2020 – European Union announces a 30-day ban on entering its 26 countries for almost all travelers as it struggles to contain COVID-19.

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