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This Day In History1648 – First labor organization forms in North American colonies. (Boston Shoemakers)

1767 – Mason Dixon line, the boundary between Maryland & Pennsylvania agreed upon.

1867 – US takes possession of Alaska from Russia having paid $7.2 million.

1878 – Edison makes electricity available for household use.

1898 – American flag raised in Puerto Rico.

1924 – Notre Dame beats Army 13-7, NY Herald Tribune dubs them (4 Horsemen)

1931 – American gangster Al Capone convicted of tax evasion.

1940 – Kaufman & Harts “George Washington Slept Here” premieres in NYC.

1952 – Date of he first Mad Magazine issue.

1954 – Hurricane Hazel becomes most severe to ever hit the US, killing 195 in US and Canada.

1954 – Texas Instruments Inc. announces the first transistor radio.

1962 – James Watson (US), Francis Crick (UK) and Maurice Wilkins (UK) win the Nobel Prize for Medicine for their work in determining the structure of DNA.

1968 – Circus Circus hotel opens in Las Vegas, largest permanent big top in the world.

1969 – Federal government bans use of cyclamates artificial sweeteners.

1978 – US 1st daughter Susan Ford announces engagement to Charles F Vance.

1989 – US 62nd manned space mission STS 34 (Atlantis 5) launches into orbit.

2001 – Crude Oil for November delivery falls to its lowest level since August 1999 on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX)

2012 – Google stock trading suspended after premature release of a quarterly report indicating a 20% drop in profits and a 9% fall in share price.

2016 – US White House says it is “confident” Russia behind recent email hacking and attempts to influence US elections.

2017 – US Congresswoman Frederica Wilson says President Donald Trump said to bereaved army family of Sgt. La David Johnson “He knew what he was signing up for, but I guess I hurts anyway”

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