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This Day In History1836 – Sam Houston elected President of the Republic of Texas.

1862 – General Lee crossed Potomac & enters Maryland.

1879 – George Washington De Long, American Arctic Explorer, and commander on board the Jeannette, becomes trapped with his crew in pack ice during his attempt to reach the North Pole.

1882 – 10,000 workers march n 1st Labor Day parade in NYC.

1885 – 1st gasoline pump is delivered to a gasoline dealer (Ft. Wayne, Ind).

1914 – US President Woodrow Wilson orders US Navy to make its wireless stations accessible for any transatlantic communications – even to German diplomats sending coded messages; leads to interception of the Zimmermann telegram, helping bring the US into the war.

1922 – Yankees final game at Polo Grounds (played there 7 years)

1939 – FDR declares US neutrality at start of WWII in Europe.

1953 – 1st privately operated atomic reactor-Raleigh, NC

1958 – “Doctor Zhivago” novel by Boris Pasternak published in US.

1958 – 1st color video recording on magnetic tape presented, Charlotte, NC.

1960 – Cassius Clay wins Olympic light heavyweight gold medal.

1960 – A.J. Foyt wins the first of 67 Indy car victories at Du Quoin, Illinois, State Fairgrounds.

1961 – US President JFK signs law against hijacking (death penalty).

1975 – First Assassination attempt on US President Gerald Ford by Lynette Fromme in Sacramento.

1982 – 82nd US Golf Amateur Championship won by Jay Sigel.

1989 – Deborah Norville becomes news anchor of Today Show.

1995 – Cal Ripken, Jr. ties Gehrig’s record of playing in 2,130 straight games.

2007 – Three terrorists suspected to be a part of Al-Qaeda are arrested in Germany after allegedly planning attacks on both the Frankfurt International airport and US military installations.

2015 – Salmonella outbreak linked to cucumbers from Mexico responsible for 1 death, hundreds sickened confirm US health officials.

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