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1776—US Congress proclaims the Declaration of Independence and Independence from Britain.
1789—1st US tariff act.
1796—1st Independence Day celebration is held.
1802—US Military Academy officially opens (West Point, NY)
1803—The Louisiana Purchase is announced to the American people.
1817—Construction on Erie Canal begins at Rome, NY.
1831—“America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee)” is 1st sung in Boston.
1845—Texas Congress votes for annexation to US.
1863—Boise, Idaho founded (now capital of Idaho)
1876—1st public exhibition of electric light in San Francisco.
1881—Booker T. Washington establishes Tuskegee Institute (Alabama)
1884—Statue of Liberty presented to US in Paris.
1894—Elwood Haynes successfully tests one of 1st US autos at 6 MPH.
1927—First flight of the Lockheed Vega.
1941—Howard Florey & Norman Heatley meet for 1st time, 11 days later they successfully recreate penicillin.
1950—The first broadcast of Radio Fee Europe.
1959—America’s new 49-star flag honoring Alaska statehood unfurled.
1964—Beachboys’ “I Get Around” reaches #1.
1982—4th Space Shuttle Mission-Columbia 4 lands at Edwards AFB.
1996—Hot Mail, a free internet E-mail service begins.
2004—The cornerstone of the Freedom Tower is laid on the site of the World Trade Center in New York City. (This was largely a symbolic event; actual construction would not start for several weeks.
2009—The Statute of Liberty’s crown reopens to the public after 8 years, due to security reasons following the World Trade Center attacks.

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