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1782 – Congress approves Great Seal of the United States of America and the bald eagle as its symbol.

1819 – 320 ton Savannah becomes 1st steamship to cross the ocean (Atlantic)

1840 – Samuel Morse patents his telegraph.

1895 – 1st female PhD from an American University, earned by Caroline Willard Baldwin (in Science) at Cornell University.

1911 – National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) incorporates (NY)

1939 – Test flight of 1st rocket plane using liquid propellants.

1944 – Congress charters Central Intelligence Agency.

1944 – US attacks Japanese fleet in Philippines Sea.

1947 – US President Truman vetoes Taft-Hartley Act.

1960 – “The Huckleberry Hound Show” by Hanna-Barbera becomes the first animated program to win an Emmy.

1963 – US & USSR agree to set up “Hot Line”

1977 – Oil enters Trans-Alaska pipeline exits 38 days later at Valdez.

1986 – Doctors at Bethesda Naval remove 2 small benign polyps from President Ronald Reagan’s colon.

1988 – Supreme Court upholds a law that made it illegal for private clubs to discriminate against women and minorities.

1994 – US Fairchild Hospital Air Force Base massacre, gunman kills 5 and injures 22.

1997 – Negotiators announce agreement in principle with tobacco industry.

2011 – Betty Dukes v. Walmart class action lawsuit on alleged employee gender discrimination in pay and promotion policies is decided in a 5-4 decision, ruling that the class should not be certified in its current form.

2017 – US toymaker Mattel releases 15 new body types for their Ken doll, including one with a man bun.

2017 – Uber founder Travis Kalanick resigns as CEO after a shareholder revolt.

2018 – US President Trump signs Executive Order ending family separation at the border for illegal immigrants.

2018 – US ambassador Nikki Haley announces the US is leaving the UN Human Rights Council.


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