Thoughts While Shaving
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All are invited to a special Peace Officers Memorial Service at the Bladen County Sheriff’s Department, at 10 AM, today (Wednesday).  Fallen officers will be honored, unfortunately, the list continues to grow.  Families of the fallen, as well as friends will hopefully attend. That’s TODAY, 10 AM at the Sheriff’s Department.

Speaking of the Sheriff’s Department, if you see suspicious activities in your neighborhood, call and report. Unfortunately, there are those among us who have no respect for the rights of others or law enforcement officials.

Springtime is a special time.  Lawns are green, flowers are beautiful, grass and weeds are growing, new crops sprouting up.

Lest you forget, Mother’s Day is Sunday.  While gifts are nice, at the very least a visit or a phone call is hopefully on your agenda if your mom is still alive.  Just remember, MOMS are responsible for us being here.

Some of my blueberry grower/friends report picking time begins soon, for some, as early as next week.  Crops apparently survived earlier  cold and windy conditions and for the most part, appears to be a very good crop this year….mmmmmm good.

Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.  Virgil Kraft

Spring is sooner recognized by plants than by men. Chinese Proverb

Science has never drummed up quite as effective a tranquilizing agent as a sunny spring day.  W. Earl Hall

robert g hester



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