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Thoughts While ShavingAm I hearing the NC Legislature is seriously considering allowing weapons on the floor of the House and Senate?  We are searched when we enter many public facilities and if weapons are found they are confiscated.  Must be a tough place to do business.

Ever want to just disappear for a time?   Maybe need some time to “clear” the thought process…..Thought of that when I read about the pregnant lady who, on the day she was to give birth, left town and was found a few days later in Boone, NC.  And how about the man in Garland who was missing for nearly a week before being found on the banks of one of the nearby rivers.  Both OK…Sometimes we just need a little time to “think.”   May not relate to either…Just a crazy thought….
Bladen County residents are going to have an increase in their property tax bill this year….the question is, how much of an increase????   The delay in building a new jail and a change in reimbursement rates for EMS services is causing a problem.  Reduction in state tax (?) is no reduction if the cost is “pushed down” to the counties.  And the need for change in our education system is another huge cloud that “hovers” over the county…
Bladen is no different from many other rural, counties in the state with limited resources.  Limited resources and numerous  needs….
“Ability is what you’re capable of doing.  Motivation determines what you do.  Attitude determines how well you do it.  Lou Holtz
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”  Theodore Roosevelt
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”   Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Don’t watch the clock, do what it does.  Keep going.”   Sam Levenson
robert g hester
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