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Thoughts While ShavingWe received rain last night…much needed rain.  At the Curtis Brown Airport in Elizabethtown, rainfall totaled about 1.33 inches.  2 or 3 miles west of the airport, abut 1.25 inches.  The rainfall was spread over about a three hour time period from about 11:30 p.m. to around 2 a.m.  We needed every drop and more…..and more is in the forecast.  Looking ahead, the forecast calls for a 70 to 80 percent chance of rain from 2 p.m. today to just after midnight.  Winds are expected to be in the range of 6 to 11 MPH with gusts up to 17 MPH.  Today’s high temp expected to be about 89 degrees.
No doubt rainfall amounts will vary, just hope everyone receives some….
We publicized a Bladen County Commissioners Special Meeting yesterday…Seems the Board decided to keep the same arrangement for Medicaid transportation as the current year….No changes in the budget….In the previous meeting, they voted to have one firm do two services…Just for your information….
I am, I think a fairly positive individual…Think Positive…but the news of yesterday tested every fiber in my body….First were the “ungodly” acts of terrorist, killing in a two or three locations  around the world, including the beheading of one human being…and actually that continued overnight in Tunisia….then the Supreme Court ruling related to same-sex marriage (some very happy, some very disappointed).  A short time later, an announcement of the killing of one of the New York escapees and the continued search for another.  In the midst of all those announcements, the funeral of the leader of the Charleston, SC church where 9 people were killed earlier.
Don’t need anymore bad news…but, I guess it will keep coming.  About the only positive was President Obama leading the Charleston, SC congregation, and viewers around the world, in the singing of ‘Amazing Grace’…
I am reminded of the Dove Brothers song….’Sure Could Use a Little Good News Today.’
We begin with positive thoughts this day by giving thanks for the rainfall and hopefully everyone received some rain over the past day or so……
Check our Events section and read our news, sports and lifestyle section for a partial list of important activities.
Remember, filing for municipal elections begins Monday, July 6.  The election will be held November 3, 2015.
I recently discovered 50 positive one liners….Will share a few…
Have a firm handshake,
Look people in the eye,
Keep secrets,
Never give up on anybody, miracles happen everyday,
Avoid sarcastic remarks,
Give people a second chance, but not a third,
When someone hugs you, let them be the first to go,
Keep it simple,
Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.
Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know,
Keep it simple,
More later.
robert g hester
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