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Thoughts While ShavingA hearty BladenOnline salute to the West Bladen Pre-Majors baseball team, coaches, parents and supporters.  You made us proud…

Everyone loves to win and this team began strong by winning their first two games, then lost a couple and that officially ends their season…..but they made so many memories for themselves and us….. Thank you to coach Kim Cain and his crew…
Sonny Jones has a son on the team (Ray-2nd baseman) so we knew mom and dad would be there and Sonny offered to provide pitch by pitch coverage by Scorecast exclusively to BladenOnline…and the coverage has been great…the instant coverage, the pics, and articles…What a service to family and friends that were unable to attend the games… and others who just enjoy the sport… Thanks to all… The possibilities of BladenOnline are endless… and our numbers, provided by Google Analytics tell our story better than I can…
Our coverage in general is very, very  good… news, sports, lifestyle, events, Ag news and more… and is available any place in the world where there is Internet access…
Our volunteer sports team does a great job… John Clark, day in and day out… year round coverage of school events, church sporting events, and so many other youth events… no one does it better… Norgie Hester covers golfing… Charlotte Smith and others keep us posted on racing at the Dublin Speedway… What am I missing?  I am so proud of our entire BladenOnline team… A dream in late 2007 continues today… And The Best Is Yet To Come… It takes hard work and we are all blue collar workers who live and work in Bladen…
The best part of me going away for a few days is knowing I will be returning home soon…
If procrastination was an Olympic sport, I ‘d compete in it later.
Every day two million Americans play tennis and one million of them lose.
Sports do not build character.  They reveal it.
robert g hester
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