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Thoughts While ShavingMy mistake….the Bladen County Board of Commissioners meeting, normally held on Monday, will be held Tuesday this month. Commissioners made the decision at their last meeting. The Four County Electric Membership Cooperative Annual Meeting is being held tonight at Elizabethtown Middle School and several commissioners wanted to attend, so they moved their regular meeting back 24 hours.

The Four County meeting begins with registration at 5 p.m. and the program begins at 7. Food will be provided for those who register. Three directors will be elected, other business will be taken care of and music will be provided by The Dixie Melody Boys.

Now you know the rest of the story…

Elizabethtown City Council meets at 12 noon and 7 p.m. today…..regular session.

And the rain continues to fall….Checking the gauge at the Hester household…about 2-3 miles, as the crow flies, southwest of downtown E-town….We received another inch from 6 a.m. yesterday to 6 a.m. today (Monday), bringing the grand total since Thursday to 9.3 inches…and more is forecast…..

EMS folks have been busy this weekend…as has law enforcement and the utility companies….If not busy, on standby….Thank them next time you see them….

Schools are operating on a regular schedule today…..

Traveling in southeastern NC today? Be aware of possible damage to the roadways and aware of the possibility of downed trees……More rain and wind is forecast for today….

A handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning. Bruce Lee

Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends. Jacques DeLille

Life is like a ten speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use. Charles Monroe Schultz

robert g hester

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