Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingWrap up today, better weather is on the way…..over the weekend.

TransAsia Airways Flight 235 crash in Taiwan was the result when one engine “went idle” 37 seconds after takeoff and the pilots may have shut off the other while attempting to restart them….WOW…15 people were rescued from the water where the plane crashed….Over 30 bodies have been recovered…….
A reminder of the Dixie Youth fundraiser tonight at E-town Primary….Reverse raffle…steak dinners, auction, all for a good cause….Call Rusty Hill for tickets ($50 for 2 steaks) or steak plates just $10 each…872-3369….Begins at 4 p.m.  Check our Events page for more info.
So what are your plans for the weekend?
Can’t imagine being a law enforcement officer….I appreciate what they do, or attempt to do…
The trial of retired NC Trooper Herbert Weissinger, accused of being involved in an altercation with a couple of Cumberland County hunters, around Christmas 2012, is winding down..or expected to soon….been going on for a couple of weeks in Bladen County Superior Court…
Heading out for a walk with temps in the lower 20’s seems foolish…but do feel good some feeling of accomplishment when I return home…
When you have done anything the way you have always done it…why would you expect different results if you refuse to change?
A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours–Merle Berle
A consultant is an ordinary person a long way from home.
A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually.
robert g hester

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