Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving
Winter time is coming, winter time is coming and I know it won’t be long….I know, not this week, but Halloween is followed by Thanksgiving and then ho-ho-ho season and if the past is any indication….colder weather is coming soon….. Remember snow and some ice in December????

I appreciate folks who own and operate small businesses….It is not easy….Had a couple myself….WBLA and BladenOnline….Now, bigger is better…so it seems….Thinking about the newspaper business…..A few family owned papers remain….News Reporter in Whiteville, Fayetteville Observer and the Dunn paper in this area….

One of my favorite thoughts…..Give advice only when ask for and then sparingly….

Seems to be an unusual large number of small deer dead along the roadways……

As I travel in the area, seems there is more new construction than in the recent past……Best I can tell, we have gone from one down-turn in the economy to another…over the past few years…

Famers were moving peanuts yesterday…..still see many in the field…but the threat of rain over the next few hours was a good reason to speed up the process, I guess….

Commissioners approved more help for EMS last night…..Expensive, but response time is important and response time with an understaffed work force is virtually impossible….More are needed….Many reasons, including less volunteers to staff rescue squads..

We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops.

I just got back from a pleasure trip. I took my mother-in-law to the airport.

Eat right, Stay fit, Die anyway.

robert g hester
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