Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingThe Best Is Yet To Come….One huge step was announced Monday….Charlotte Smith, BO owner, announced Erin Smith is the new editor….Can’t think of a better addition….Welcome to the BladenOnline family…


Many on our team have been involved for several years…It is a fun group to work with, and we are delighted with the latest addition….


The rainfall measured 2 inches at the Hester household with light rain still falling early, early this morning…..(5 a.m.).  Needless to say, totals vary greatly….


Municipal voters are encouraged to cast a ballot today…There is competition in several towns and Tar Heel residents need to write-in candidates for two town commissioners.  Polls are open until 7:30 p.m. at voting sites in each of the 7 municipalities.


BladenOnline will have the results as soon as they are available…


Continue to look back at special occasions in Bladen County…


Today, discovered an old program of a Bladenboro Football Banquet.

December 10, 1973…….42 years ago.


Booster club leaders included:

President     Alton R. Davis

VP               Charles Herring

Secretary     Eddie Walters

Treasurer     Charles Bridger


Coach John Frazier introduced the Speaker, Shirley “Red” Wilson, Elon College football coach.


Varsity Team:

Butchie Martin         Ricky Wright           Tim Benton

Johnny Martin         Gene Gaskins         Anthea Smith

Bobby Peterson      Franklin Singletary  Rickie Thompson

Morris Bellamy        Herschel Hester      Julius Lennon

Paul Brunson          Steve Matheson      LaRue Evans

Danny Davis           Murray Hester         Dennis Pait

Henry Singletary     James Peterson      Dewey Russ

Kenny Horne           Russell Hester        Andy English

John Britt                Marty Davenport      LaGrande Hewitt

Bennie Bryan          Ricky Rogers


One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory…..Rita Mae Brown


Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.  Marcel Proust


Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders.  Fredrich Nietzsche


Every man’s memory is his private literature.  Aldous Huxley


robert g hester




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