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Thoughts While Shaving

Today is the last day of early voting, in fact, the polls close at 1 p.m. today at Early Voting sites in Bladenboro, Dublin, East Arcadia and Elizabethtown.  The primary election will be held Tuesday, March 15 at all 17 precincts, countywide.

Let’s hope and pray we can conclude this 2016 election process without further bloodshed.  The dastardly deeds have people around the world taking notice.

Pray for our country, our candidates, our voters, that the ugly sights in Chicago will not be duplicated.

For older voters, a reminder of the 1968 Democratic Convention….in Chicago, following a very competitive campaign when the candidates were Hubert Humphrey (D), Richard Nixon (R) and George Wallace running as a 3rd party candidate.

Now let’s watch and listen as the candidates and protestors blame each another and the media.

Kindness breeds kindness.  It begins by all people respecting the rights of others and doing unto others as we would have them do to us.  None are exempt.  How sad for us all as a nation.

Time changes tonight.  Re-set your time pieces.  Spring forward one hour.  The clock on my auto will be correct tomorrow morning, never reset last fall…. 

A house divided against itself cannot stand.  Abraham Lincoln, 1858

I never did give them hell.  I just told them the truth and they thought it was hell.  Harry S. Truman, 1956

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.  John F. Kennedy, 1961

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down the wall!  Ronald Reagan, 1987

robert g hester



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