Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

Our average rainfall for the month of September is 5.28 inches.  Over the past 72 hours, 6.25 inches has fallen, as measured at on location in Happy Valley, near Elizabethtown.

Hope the rainfall ceases soon, farmers must be having flashbacks to a year ago when some crops were left in the field because of soggy conditions.

A storm is approaching from the Caribbean Sea and could have an impact on our weather in a week or so.  Numerous computer models have it going in many different directions.  Some are comparing its track to Hurricane Hazel in 1954.

Can’t imagine anything that stirs more emotions than an election, especially a national election.  We usually only know what we learn from our national news media sources who have their own agenda, or a friend you trust, who may no less about the candidates than you do.

I repeat my thoughts every year, or every other year, whenever there is an election.  Why not run for public office, local, state or national?  So many wannabees  who do not have the courage to pay a small filing fee, get your name on the ballot, tell your story, and explain how you hope to make a difference.  As a child, when we were doubling down on our thoughts, would de-double-dare-you…to do whatever.  I de-double-dare-all wannabees to run for their favorite office.  Only one of two things can happen, you win and show what you can do, or lose, go back to playing politics.

One other thought, if you win, you must convince a majority of any board to agree with you, if you are going to make a difference, and in today’s environment, that may be the most difficult task of all.

If you lose, you may win.  No one will ever know how little you actually knew about the topic/office.

I had my fun many years ago.  Elected as Bladen County Commissioner, served 8 years (1974-1982), and 5 years as Chairman, enjoyed most days, appreciated the opportunity, not interested ever again.

I’m great at multitasking.  I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at once.

Relationships are a lot like algebra.  Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?

Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

robert g hester



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