Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

I have learned a new word…dotard…Kim Jong-un of North Korea’s description of President Trump after our Presidents UN speech.  Webster, as in the dictionary, defines dotard as …a person in his dotage; foolish and doddering old person.  I was called much worse as a local elected official 40 years ago.

I recall a visit to Sen. Jesse Helms office in DC where he had one wall covered with cartoonist renderings of mostly uncomplimentary cartoons of him.  He seemed to enjoy, just a part of public life.

Saw a news article relating to another new record of US debt, so I looked it up, earlier today (Saturday, September 23, 2017)  We, as a nation, now owe over $20 trillion of debt, actually $20,172,808,111,509.90 and Congress will soon raise the debt limit, as they do annually.  On this same day (9/23/2016) a year ago, the debt was $19,418,221,551,500.

The FY 2017 budget deficit will be $603 billion, compared with FY 2016 of $585 billion.

Interest on the 2016 public debt was 2.232% compared with current rate of 2.279%.  Interest rates are rising slowly.

China holds only about 5.8% of the total US debt or about $1.15 trillion.

According to this source, US government debt is considered to carry ‘little risk’ and historically demand for it remains strong.

Hope your first weekend of ‘fall 2017’ is good.

I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.  Henry David Thoreau

Autumn….the year’s last, loveliest smile.  William Cullen Bryant

Autumn is the time of picturesque tranquility.  Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann

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