Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingThe Barnum and Bailey circus has closed.  The circus has moved to D.C.  Maybe the tents could be resurrected in Washington, one for the House, one for the Senate and one for the White House.

Tired of the blame game, all who made promises to get elected are to blame.  Seldom hear a politician say, ‘I am partially to blame’.  Always someone else at fault.  Shame on them all.  Leaders step up when the going gets tough.  Budget was due October 1, 2017.

A little research determined the fiscal year, “prior to 1976, began on July 1 and ended on June 30.  The Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 stipulated the change to allow Congress more time to arrive at a budget each year.”

Not sure if our folks are overworked or incapable of doing what they were elected to do. Should have been done three months ago.  Local elected leaders are mandated to approve a budget prior to July 1, and they did and do annually.

The situation is controlled by folks who promised leadership for our nation, both political parties.  Why should they continue to be paid, when others are not?  As my mom would say, beats me.

Changing the topic for a moment.

Locally, we have had a tough beginning to a new year, weather-wise.  Yesterday was a beautiful day and more are predicted, but the recent cold weather has played havoc with schedules, especially our schools.

Some great stories are circulating about good deeds and I have one as well.  Our heating system ceased working just as the cold front moved in and we were left with no heat, but some folks stepped up.  A brother provided space heaters, Cape Fear Heating and Cooling (Daine Smith and Compay) assisted with getting gas logs working and then replaced the motor in our heating system.  Other folks were suffering and other providers were also doing good work.  Thanks to all who step up to help those of us who know so little about how it works and little about what you do day in and day out.

And, said it before, but worth repeating, thanks to our utility providers (Four County EMC and Duke Power).  Down time was minimal, if at all.

Maybe our political leaders could learn from our local providers.  When the going gets tough, stop blaming everyone else and get the job done.

If you expect less of your leaders, guess that’s OK.  But for me, say what you will do and then, do what you promised.

The thoughts and comments are mine alone.  (rgh)

Success comes in cans, not in can’ts!

Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

Life is not fair, get used

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