Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingThis Tuesday (today) could be one nice day weather-wise…

Former Commissioner Bobby Roberts was laid to rest Monday…4 ministers, good service, good attendance and great comments….
Bobby and I served together on the Board of Commissioners for several years…One of those folks that you go from seeing on a regular basis to very seldom…No problem, our situation is constantly changing and we loose touch…
Had a nice email from Janice Ryckeley yesterday regarding comments on yesterday’s thoughts….Those type visits are “uplifting.” and I thank her….Left me on a “high”..
As I thought about the Ryckeley comments and the Roberts funeral….. I thought about folks along the way that I sometimes forget….Example, When I moved to E-town nearly 55 years ago I had a couple of folks I had never known take me under their “wings”….Bobby Simmons and David Shaw…Made new friends with my boss-to-be Mr. Chatham Clark (WBLA), Norgie Hester (WBLA), Herb Hanna (Rescue Squad)…Now I am in trouble..memory grows shorter…As a County Commissioner, at WBLA radio station, Rescue Squad, Jaycees, Wesley’s Chapel (Rev. Eckie Lancaster), Hayes Petteway, Mac Campbell, Jr., Hubert Kinlaw (Rescue Squad), Calvin Sasser and others, I consider myself the luckiest person in the world….God has been good to me…and I hope I can give back as I received….Not dropping names….Just the facts. They taught me to give back to the community…All were not here when I arrived but came into my life along the way…..All are builders…of a better Bladen and there are so many more….No “ticks” …ticks are takers, will suck you dry…run as fast as possible from “ticks” those who think only of themselves…
It was with that background that I began BladenOnline….giving back to those who have been so good to me and others…
I could continue and will…Doug Evans (County Administrator), Leon Martin, Billy Haire, Charles Lewis…Ray Haney my neighbors…just beginning..sorry, never planned to go in that direction…All were builders…positive folks…
Can’t imagine living my life to tear others down…but they walk among us
I say all that to say, I thought about the positive type folks I call friends…All as I attended the funeral services of one who I spent much time together in years gone by…very little recently….
Kinda get lost in memories….positive thoughts…and again, there were so many more….
There is no such thing as failure.  There are only results.  Tony Robbins
Start where you are. Use what you have.  Do what you can.  Arthur Ashe
Just do it.  Nike
robert g hester

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