Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingWeather could be a big story over the next 72 hours….temps dropping throughout the day to the mid 40’s this afternoon…90% chance of rain and windy…gusts up to 20 mph.   Saturday and Sunday high temps around 54 degrees……Monday’s weather should return to more normal conditions with mostly sunny skies and highs near 66…

Blueberry and strawberry folks must be concerned….
Elizabethtown Police Chief Robert (Bobby) Kinlaw announced Thursday that he would be retiring in August.  He will have 34 years of service to the town….and Chief the past 15 years…He obviously has done a good job….He is still a young man…Bet he is not content to go home and sit….He will be busy doing something…Good job, well done…
I miss the characters of years gone by….The Bill Ferguson’s of this world…If you did not know him, you missed a treat…Operated a service station….and full of fun….There were many such individuals over the past 50 years….They added a little color to life…
We all know those type folks…in every corner of the county…
Do you remember your first grade teacher?  I think mine was Mrs. Knott…but memory has faded….remember we had to take a nap on an oily floor in Bladenboro….place a paper on the floor shortly after noon….I would be more receptive now than as a rambunctious 6 year old…
I think often of classmates….many are deceased and others I have not seen in years…We have a reunion every 5 years…and I enjoy….Next one is scheduled for 2016….
Any family tree produces some lemons, some nuts and a few bad apples.
“I am” is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language.  Could it be that “I do” is the longest sentence?
A mother never realizes that her children are no longer children.
robert g hester

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