Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingEarly voting is over in the 2018 primary elections.  2784 Bladen County citizens voted before polls closed Saturday, May 5th at 1 PM.  Next step in the process is the primary election on Tuesday, May 8th.  Voting sites in all 17 precincts will be open, from 6:30 AM ’til 7:30 PM.

Don’t know about you, but do not like being approached at the polls by folks, volunteer or paid, attempting to persuade voters as they enter the voting site.  And, must admit, most are not aggressive as I have seen over the years.  About 9 times out of 10, I know who I will vote for before I leave home.  Check the ballot ahead of time and vote your conscience.

The voting process is nearly a year long event, file early in the year, primary in May and general election in November.

As I exit our home, birds chirping away on a nearby power line.  Wish I had some idea of what they are saying.  Talking to other birds, singing a song, warning others that an old man has entered their territory, maybe trying to make a deal with another of the opposite sex?  Love the chirping, kinda sets the tone for my early morning visits to the paper box, a trip I too often have to make more than once.

Members of the Wesley’s Chapel UMC church choir, and their spouses, were treated last evening with a great meal and time to socialize, all thanks to the efforts by of one of our faithful supporters and her volunteers.  Thanks Ms. Becky Mangum, well done and much appreciated.

By voting, we add our voice to the chorus that forms opinions and the basis for actions.  Jens Stoltenberg

Voting is as much an emotional act as it is an intellectual act.  Monica Crowley

We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know.  W.H. Auden

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