Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingPrimary elections over, with results about as expected.  5,858 voters cared enough to vote.  There are over 20,000 eligible voters in the county. Check our news page for results.

Maybe a better headline should be, 25.6% of eligible voters cared enough to vote. Apathy was the winner.

Webster’s definition of apathy..Lack of interest; listless condition; indifference.

General election will be held in November.  Hopefully, a better turnout.

White Lake water is suffering from hopefully, just a mild, temporary case of the hiccups.  White Lake is a great place to live, to visit and very important to all residents of the county.  Visitors have a good time, spend lots of money with local merchants, many pay property taxes, town and county, and sales tax. Tourism is a great industry, and none better than a healthy White Lake. Town officials are doing all in their power to ‘treat the patient’.

Water Festival is coming soon, May 18 and 19.

Elections remind us not only of the rights but the responsibilities of citizenship in a democracy.  Robert Kennedy

Donors don’t win elections; voters win elections.  Jeff Sessions

A key reason that elections are run so badly is that in most states, political partisans are in charge.  Adam Cohen

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