Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

High School football scores from Friday night play;

East Bladen 31, Whiteville 28

Fairmont 28, West Bladen 6

John Clark captured all the action on BladenOnline Sports Page, as usual…

Next week, East Bladen entertains another pre-season conference favorite, South Columbus.  Red Springs will be at West Bladen.

The win over Whiteville by the Eagles is, not doubt, good therapy for Coach Robby Priest, still recovering from a bout with cancer.

5 former NC Governors, 3 D’s and 2 R’s, all opposing constitutional amendments written and re-written by the NC Legislature, is pretty strong.  Need to take a hard look at their reasons why…..Governing the business of the state is serious business and our forefathers set the rules for the Legislature and the Governor for a reason….Maybe more time working on re-drawing US Congressional districts would have been a better use of legislators time.

Fall arrives in about 2 weeks, can’t think of better medicine for those ‘toiling’ outside. It’s been a hot, humid summer.

Check all our pages (topics) on BladenOnline….and thanks for your continued support.

Football is football and talent is talent.  But the mindset of your team makes all the difference.  Robert Griffin III

Life is like a ten speed bicycle.  Most of us have gears we never use.   Charles M. Schultz

You can’t win unless you learn how to lose.  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

robert g hester



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