Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingIt’s flu shot time, if you have not had yours, better do so soon.

Had the pleasure of attending the Elizabethtown Rescue Squad Christmas Party last night, held at the VFW building.  Local Rescue Squads continue to have staffing problems.  Nothing new, but when you continue to lose members who take call, others must double-up.  Volunteers for just about every cause continue to dwindle.  Shelton Lewis is the Chief.  Marc Moore is his Assistant.  Some squads have closed-up shop, many due to staffing or financial difficulties that prevents them from purchasing the next piece of equipment needed to assist those they serve. Always good to see members from years ago….and receive updates on current issues.

Rescue Squads assist the Bladen County full-time Emergency Services department.  Contact a Rescue Squad in the county if you have some spare time.  Must be certified, they can provide info.

Shoppers are out doing there thing…preparing for Christmas morning.

The staff of BladenOnline does an excellent job of updating us all on current events in the county.  Including one we are not proud of, and that apparently due to a few local individuals tampering with the election process.  Some officials were not sworn-in yesterday, last evening and last week…a black-eye for Bladen by a few apparently not abiding by state rules.  Root’em out and lock’em up….35,000 Bladen County citizens with a black-eye because of a few seeking to line their pocket or curry favor from a politician.  And a word of caution to candidates who hire individuals to assist them in getting elected….check their backgrounds…No crime to pay folks to assist, until their activity is determined to be illegal.  And, I keep hearing this type activity didn’t just begin in Bladen, just apparently is getting worse….

How about the respect shown the elder former President Bush?

In business, successful people reach goals, not quotas.   Stephen Jermyn

Success if not the key to happiness.  Happiness is the key to success.  If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.  Herman Cain

Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.  Truman Copote

robert g hester



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