Thoughts While Shaving
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Bladen’s election story continues to grow.  I am told some high percentage of those with additional info are either totally untruthful, or partially untrue.  Think it’s about time to begin using the ‘lie detector’.  It’s bad enough without the ‘pile-on’ group.  Broaden the investigation to anyone who ‘assisted’ someone with their ballot, other than a family member to ‘fes up.  And, for those who are lying, either side, sue them for defamation of character.  Now, you do know I am not an attorney and that may not be possible, (I am the son of a share-cropper).  My legal knowledge consists of dealing with a couple of speeding tickets around 2000.  Makes me an expert in the judicial system.  Just thinkin’ out loud and adding my 2 cents worth.  I neither condemn nor condone.  Let’s bring all the ‘bad guys’ to justice, if we can determine who they are. (Must have proof beyond a reasonably doubt in the courtroom).

Have I confused anyone?  It is a serious situation and some good and some ‘not so good folks’ are ‘caught up’ in the web.

Been praying for rain and we may get it today.  I have collected and burned more leaves this week than I planned.  If the rain comes, it’s another day off.  The facts are, I need to gather more leaves and be busy doing something constructive to keep my mind off Bladen County elections, state of North Carolina and National political issues.

Don’t be distracted by criticism.  Remember, the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you.  Zig Ziglar

If we judge ourselves only by our aspirations and everyone else only by their conduct, we shall soon reach a very false conclusion.  Calvin Coolidge

He who throws dirt always loses ground.  Unknown

robert g hester



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