Thoughts While Shaving
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How about Tiger Woods winning another green jacket, a symbol of a Master’s winner.  Must have a closet full.  He has come full circle professionally and personally….Never give up.

Still in D.C., meetings all day long, speakers from FCC, Department of Agriculture and others.  One of the top issues is mapping…where is the current fiber.  Mapping in rural areas is a big issue, maybe not as big an issue as in urban areas.  Reason being one current proposal is $200 billion in grants and loans for fiber in underserved area over the next 10 years, $20 billion annually……’proposed’ is the key word..

Today, visits to Capitol Hill for visits with staff of Senate and House members, office holders back home in districts this week.  Easter break…

No one sharing thoughts on current political situation during any sessions.

It’s a different world.  Looking forward to early Wednesday morning, heading home.

Planting crops on the mind of many at the meeting. Rural folks, for the most part represent rural areas and board members include numerous occupations, including farmer, businessmen and women.

A true Southerner knows…you don’t ‘have’ a hissy fit—you pitch one.

He’s got a burr in his saddle.

She has a duck fit.  (translation: run and hide)

robert g hester



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