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Thoughts While Shaving  It’s the most wonderful time of the year…for many.  Sadly, for some, the most stressful time of the year.

Christmas is just 2 weeks away.  2 weeks from tomorrow.

Sometimes a sincere, warm greeting may make someone’s day more bearable, and how about a visit or a card for those incapacitated, regardless of the reason.  A card or phone call means a great deal.  I am among the guilty of doing little.  Count your many blessing, name them one by one.

Filing season continues for political offices.  If you are interested, visit the Bladen County Board of Elections, if you are not interested, and maybe you know someone who would be a good public servant, someone you trust to manage your business.  Hope you will encourage them to run.  We need a few good folks to step up and help manage Bladen County’s $40 million annual budget.  Not just in Bladen County, but elected positions from the courthouse to the NC state house to the US White House.  Take your pick, pay your filing fee and enjoy the experience.

Running for a political office is a rewarding experience.  To many times we form opinions based on our own ideas and upbringing.  Running for a public office helps us realize others have legitimate differences and sometimes a better idea.  Many times it reinforces what we already thought.


How do you explain dreams?  good or not so good??


See another presidential contender has dropped out of the race.  Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana made the announcement in the past few days.  The 44 year old Jindal is competing his 8th year as governor.


Still a full slate of hopefuls.  As financial backers look for a winner, others will join Jindal on the sidelines.


All politics is local.  O’Neill’s Rule


Truth varies.  Rule of Political Promises


Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary.  Robert Louis Stevenson.

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