Thoughts While Shaving
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COVID-19 (coronovirus) – Wish it would just go away … but others do as well … Not that easy, best I can tell.

I miss my regular routine…

Miss my church family … no Wednesday night meeting, complete with a meal, miss choir practice, miss Sunday School and Worship service…

Miss Thursday evening meeting for meal and fellowship with my siblings, our spouses and neighbor…

Miss meeting friends at Giorgios weekly for food and fellowship…

Miss my children who normally come often, both boys, sometimes other members of the family, as well…

Miss going to White Lake this time of year … picking up a sandwich, hang-out for a couple of hours, before returning home…

Miss my lake friends who would be coming, this time of year … from Clinton, Rocky Mount and other locations…

Miss attending Tar Heel Baptist Church, first Friday morning each month for 7 AM worship … with friends I never see, except there…

I know … no different than others … but after retirement ‘humpteen’ years ago, I enjoy my routines and a return to those days seems unlikely any time soon…

Not unlike many other senior citizens who spent 50-60 years in the workplace looking forward to the day we could do just what we want to do … and this is not what we were looking forward to…

Now, for the record … I am among men most richly blessed … and I am aware that this is a disease that just happened, not condemning anyone … just wish it would go away as quickly as it came …. but when it goes … hope and pray it is forever and ever.

I graduated in class of ’56 from Bladenboro HIgh School … I see some of my school-mates often, some seldom, some never…

One I seldom seen recently shared numerous Will Roger quotes … and I share…

“Our constitution protects aliens, drunks and Senators”

“The taxpayers are sending congressmen on expensive trips abroad. It might be worth it except they keep coming back.”

“There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.”

robert g hester

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