Thoughts While Shaving
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Sunday at our house means … Sunday School and worship service … but it is delivered much different today than what we are accustomed to … Virus or no virus, we can still enjoy worship service … not in person, but various other ways … the Internet makes it possible … Online … Facebook, church website … just a few suggestions…

Miss not being in church with those we have been with for years … Invite you to join online services from your favorite site … Welcome to worship online with the Hester’s at Wesley’s Chapel UMC … Elizabethtown, NC…

Springtime means farmers are preparing the fields, some planting crops. Will soon see corn, and other crops … breaking through the soil … A favorite time of the year for many.

Average high for April is 74, average low in Bladen County is 49. For May, average high is 80, average low 55.

Students in grades K-12 dealing with a new way of learning … for sure … Honestly, would have been difficult for me … when I was that age … My mind was wandering … or so my teacher said … probably correct…

Wish I was more knowledgeable on issues related to the Internet … Just discovered, I have 2 Facebook sites … attempted to merge them … now a really big mess … but working on it…

Nothing keeps a family together like having the car in the repair shop.

I cannot pull myself up by tearing others down.

You know it’s time to go on a diet when the neighborhood kids are playing circus and they want to use your coat as a tent.

robert g hester

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