Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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Thoughts While ShavingTime to turn the calendar, bid July 2023 goodbye … One of the hottest months, temperature wise, I recall in some time … (My memory is not too good.)

High Sunday was 93, yesterday (Monday) 91 degrees recorded at the local weather station, at the airport … Average high for July, over recent years, was 91 degrees … same publication has average high for August at 90 … average low … in the low 70s both months…

Average high for September, based on the same report, is 83 … low 65…

It’s been hot, but we have had some rain, often … for the most part, crops still look good around us…

Rainfall Sunday and Monday night was in the 2 tenths of an inch range at the local airport … That will vary from one location to another … In Whiteville, Sunday, over 5 inches, maybe 6, in a short time frame…

Today’s forecast … a chance of showers after 2 p.m. Otherwise, mostly sunny, with a high near 89. Mostly clear tonight with a low around 60. Wednesday, mostly sunny with a high again, near 89. More 90 degree-plus days upcoming over the weekend … and into next week … High next Monday … near 95. Tough on youngsters preparing for the upcoming football season.

North Carolina lawmakers still have not approved a budget, US lawmakers are still working on one as well … State budget was due for approval by July 1 (?) … same as local governments … US budget deadline is later … maybe October … Not sure a date matters at either level … Local governments, by law, must approve their budgets prior to July 1 … and they do.

Saw recently where Social Security recipients may receive a 3% increase … last year it was increased by 8.7%, mainly due to inflation … according to one report…

I mentioned a Hickory, North Carolina PGA player … J.T Poston had a triple bogey on the last hole of play Sunday … that cost him just over a quarter of a million dollars … He would have received 2nd place money, all by himself … after the bad shot, dropped into a tie with 2 others … not bad for a week’s pay … from $850,000 to $590,000 … Poston, still a young man, has picked up over $2 million this season, so far, and total earnings over his career, of about $13.5m…

Interesting, we see folks and have no idea of the issues they are facing … health, finances, etc.

“I have come to the conclusion never again to think of marrying; and for this reason; I can never be satisfied with anyone who would be block-head enough to have me.” Abraham Lincoln

“Honestly, if I were two-faced, would I be showing this one.” Abraham Lincoln

One more…

“He has a good deal of trouble with his popular sovereignty. His explanations explanatory of explanations explained are interminable.” Abraham Lincoln

robert g hester

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