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Thoughts While ShavingCan you imagine traveling US 701 and discover thousands of dollars in $10s, 20s, up to $100 dollar bills scattered along the roadway, then discover it is counterfeit. That’s what happened recently. An investigation is underway, not sure of leads. Feds have been called in to assist the Bladen County Sheriff’s Department.

The 25th edition of the Dublin Peanut Festival is scheduled for Saturday, September 16th, 2017. Deadline for the pageant is August 26, all ages invited to participate. Google Dublin Peanut Festival Scholarship Pageant for more info.

Did you see where 2 CresCom bank employees in South Carolina were killed in an attempted robbery? Later info indicates a habitual troublemaker, fresh out of prison, has been arrested, and may be the killer. Such a shame. They walk among us daily.

Bladen County has been seeking more jobs for as long as I can remember. Yesterday, Smithfield Foods announced an additional $100 million dollar investment at their Tar Heel site. 250 new jobs will be available.

In Bladenboro, another new plant is seeking labor for a poultry processing plant. I hope and pray labor is available for the 2 projects in addition to all the recent job announcements in the St. Pauls area.

These jobs do not just happen, been planning for months and years while many, sitting on the side lines, complained about nothing happening. Something big is happening and there will be jobs available, despite efforts by some ‘Johnny Come Lately’, to torpedo Bladen County EDC efforts.

Taxes on $100M will go a long way in paying for new schools as well as other needs in Bladen.

A salute to Chuck Heustess, Greg Martin, and others who ‘take the heat’ while attempting to make Bladen a Better Place to Live, Work and Play. Watch the line grow with those attempting to ‘take credit’ for making it happen.

Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. Henry Ford

Big jobs usually go to the men and women who prove their ability to outgrow small ones. Theodore Roosevelt

Investment is crucial. Because the truth is, you only get jobs and growth in the economy when people invest money, at their won risk, in setting up a business or expanding an existing business. John Key

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