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The 2019 NC High School football season began with a ‘big bang.’ A thunderstorm caused some games to be postponed, including the West Bladen-South Brunswick season opener. East Bladen played, but lost to Wallace Rose Hill, 44-0.

The South Brunswick at West Bladen game has been rescheduled for Monday, 6 p.m.

Early voting for the NC 9th Congressional seat continues. Voters are not ‘beating down the doors’ at the polling sites. After the first couple of days (Wednesday and Thursday) a total of 90 votes cast in Elizabethtown and 33 at Tar Heel, the only two locations for Early Voting.

Back to sports news, Kayla Thompson of Clarkton is one of many attempting to qualify in the LPGA Symetra tour qualifying tournament in Rancho Mirage, California. She was 2 over par after the first couple of days. She is a West Bladen and UNCW grad. All who qualify after 3 rounds will receive tour status for the 2020 season. Check our Sports page.

Rainfall has been plentiful over the past 72 hours or so. However, as of last week (August 18), rainfall totals for Elizabethtown indicated a total of 25.29 inches this year, nearly 7 inches less than normal. And, much of the shortfall came during ‘early corn growing season.’ According to the latest NC Ag Department Drought Report, all of Bladen County was listed as abnormally dry or moderate drought.

Forecast for the next 2 or 3 days indicate chance of precipitation will be in the 80% range for today and tonight, 60% Sunday and Sunday night dropping to 40% Monday. Highs in the mid 80s all three days.

Plan accordingly!

Bad governments are elected by good citizens who don’t vote.

We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.

Put the politicians on minimum wage and watch how fast things change.

robert g hester

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