Thoughts While Shaving
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Count down to September 1, 2021 is underway … August 2021 is slipping away…

‘Bout this time of the year I think of years gone by and events of yesteryear … for instance, The Clarkton Tobacco Festival … For years one of the biggest events in the area … Kinda celebrate the harvest season … most tobacco had been sold and tobacco was ‘King’…

Over the years tobacco came under fire because ‘it was bad for our health’ and many no longer use it … See more patches of tobacco this year in our area than in recent years … Clarkton area folks attempted to revive the festival, but had to pull-back due to the pandemic … Great memories … from yesteryear…

Economy appears to be soaring, well, the stock market is headed in the right direction … Just for the ‘heck’ of it, decided to check the Dow Jones Industrial Average for the past few years … as of late August…

2019: 25,899
2020: 28,492
2021: 35,455

Still a mess in Afghanistan…

Tired of mowing grass and weeds … First frost in our area in late October … Can’t stop now…

Thanks for your thoughts about my thoughts…

For the most part, I enjoy Facebook and other such technology efforts … but, can be a pain in the backside sometimes … All the uncalled for attempts to hijack accounts … I am ’bout at the end of the line coming up with new passwords … Heck, I can’t remember them all…

Church day….

Sunny and hot today … high near 94 with heat index as high as 100 … Not good but better than a hurricane…

“The secrets to life is to love who you are – warts and all.” David DeNotaris

“Model – that is, live the behavior you want others to practice.” Mario Morino

“Attitude and ability are complementary to each other for success in life.” M.K. Soni

“Nothing in this world is impossible to a willing heart.” Abraham Lincoln

robert g hester

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