Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingI think back to yesteryear….had a friend who over-indulged in stump hole moonshine, mostly on weekends.  Said he didn’t work on any day that touched Sunday.

Over the years, bet most can recall a time when our conduct was less than stellar, at times embarrassing.  Remember, as a older teenager, playing poker all night, lost my paycheck, had loaned my car to someone who failed to return, or was tired of waiting on me…whatever the reason, I was walking home, broke and had to go by the church where I knew I should be….trying to figure out what I would say to mom if she saw me.  That my friend, is a learning experience.  One I never forgot and never repeated.

Changes ongoing in county government.  Sheriff’s office now at the jail, County Manager and some supporting staff in former sheriff’s office (prior to sheriff’s office was Board of Education office).

Over coming months, new facility on site of former GMC dealership in downtown Elizabethtown.  Last I heard, will house Elizabethtown Fire Department and Rescue Squad.  Expect old Elizabethtown Post Office building to be completely renovated and ready for occupancy soon. Been an experience, one issue after another, but nearing completion.  Keep hearing some offices that will locate there, but nothing official.

Old Elizabethtown Rescue Squad building has been removed and lot will most likely remain vacant.

The Tory Hole Park upgrade makes it a very attractive place to visit and enjoy, a net plus for the area.

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.  George Bernard Shaw

Without a struggle, there can be no progress.  Fredrick Douglas

Progress is a nice word. But change is its motivator, and change has its enemies.  Robert Kennedy

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