Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingFour new Bladen county commissioners and 2 current commissioners will be sworn in and begin serving their 4 year terms, on Monday, a couple of weeks late due to a NC Board of Elections ruling.  Apparently all has been taken care of.
The new members include:
Ophelia Munn-Goins  District 1
Ashley S. Trivette  District 3
Ray Britt   At-Large
David Gooden  At-Large
Re-elected Board Members
Daniel Dowless  District 2
G. Michael Cogdell  At-Large
They will join holdovers:
Arthur Bullock  District 1
Charles Ray Peterson District 2
Russell Priest  District 3
The first order of business, after their oath of office, will be the election of a Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
Departing members include long-time board members, Dr. Delilah Blanks, Billy Ray Pait and Jimmy Smith.  And, Wayne Edge who served one 4-year term.
We have had about an inch of rain over the past 3 days at the Curtis Brown Airport and at the Hester household.
BladenOnline had a little down-time yesterday, technical difficulties.  The most frustrating type for those in charge, means you must depend on someone far-away to correct the problem.
Often said, technical difficulties with BladenOnline and years earlier at WBLA, I do not miss.  One of the most difficult situations to deal with at WBLA, while I was in charge, was the light out on the top of the tower.  You have a short time to notify FAA authorities because it is in the flight path of the airport, and a short time to correct, and it was expensive. How much would you charge to climb that tower and replace a bulb?  Not on my resume’.
Aleppo is a disaster, difficult to understand how such dastardly acts against humans could occur in 2016.
The ax soon forgets, but the tree always remembers.
If you step in a puddle, don’t blame the puddle.
If you go out looking for friends, you’re going to find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere.  Zig Zigler
The best way to get back on your feet: miss a car payment.

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