Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingThe old year comes to an end Saturday, and 2017 begins.  How long before we use the correct date on our checks?

Our Legislature could not agree on HB2 and were busy changing the role of our new governor, but they have also been busy adding new taxes, effective January 1, 2017, including an increase in gasoline taxes, but that is not all.

House Bill (HB) 1030 results in many RMI services being taxable.  RMI is short for Repair, Maintenance and Installation services.  Quoting from an explanation by the honorables, “The default provision is for RMI services performed on tangible personal property that becomes part of real property and qualifies as a “capital improvement.”  For example, a hot water heater and an HVAC unit are tangible personal property that become affixed to real property.  If either of these is installed as part of new construction project, reconstruction or remodeling project (these terms are specifically defined), then the installation charge would not be taxable.  However, if the installation is done merely to replace an existing unit, the installer will be obligated to impose sales tax on the labor charge.  Interestingly, the installation company might not readily know whether or not the work is part of a capital improvement project, so they may not know to tax the installation charge.”

There are other services at risk of becoming taxable on January 2017.  While much clarity is needed, newly taxable services could include the following; minor home repair service, rekeying of doors, swimming pool cleaning, hardwood floor refinishing or polishing and replacing kitchen cabinets (not part of a reconstruction or remodel).  In addition, many of the RMI services that are taxable under the currently enacted rules will continue to be taxed.  The sale of most service contracts also continues to be taxed.

There is much more.  Don’t think I need anymore tax cutters in the legislature.  May need more state employees to enforce the new laws.

Google ‘NC Moves to Make Additional Changes to Sales Tax Rules’, for more info.

Final number in the 2016 presidential election contest:

Clinton    65,844,610 or 48.1%

Trump     62,979,636 or 46.0%

Electoral College

Trump   304

Clinton  227

Winner – Trump.

The wages of sin are unreported.  Anonymous

The rich aren’t like us….they pay less or no taxes. 

The income tax has made more liars out of American people than golf has.  Will Rogers

A taxpayer is someone who does not have to take a civil service exam in order to work for the government.  Krueger’s Observation

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