Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingI enjoy reading and hearing about area students attending the Beta Club meetings in Greensboro.  If we can ‘hold it together’ til these youngsters are ‘in-charge’, I think we will be in good hands.  Congratulations to all Beta Club members, advisors, parents and supporters.  You make us proud.

Over the years I have had the pleasure of serving on the Bladen County Board of Commissioners, worked with commissioners statewide, covered the local board for BladenOnline.  I attended last nights meeting just for the ‘heck’ of it and little has changed.  Lots of important business, some routine business,  and some business taken care of behind closed doors.  Thanks to the board and staff.  May not agree with all decisions, but those elected make the decisions.  Same as it has always been.

Check our coverage of local government meetings last night.

Pray for all our leaders, local, state and national.

We all have leaders we looked up to, among those for me: Gov. Jim Hunt (D) and Gov. James Martin (R).

If you would like to be a Master Gardener, Bladen County Cooperative Extension is offering the training.  Call Nancy Olsen at 910-862-4591.

19 days before the 2017 Daytona 500 NASCAR season opener.

The high school basketball regular season play is coming to a close.  Tournament play begins next week.

Justice consists in doing no injury to men; decency in giving them no offense.  Marcus Tullius Cicero

If you ask me anything I don’t know, I’m not going to answer.  Yogi Berra

If you wished to be loved, love.  Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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