Thoughts While Shaving
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Many will be ‘staked out’ in front of the TV over the next few days keeping up with what is going on in D.C. … The scheduled ‘trial’ of our former president … What a mess!!! Participants on both sides of the aisle … I pledge allegiance to the Democratic or Republican party … oops, to the United States of America…

Had an interesting dream early this AM … Dreamed I was going golfing with some family members and friends … It was a late spring holiday, some special time … Expensive course … $75 for a round of golf and I haven’t played in 25, maybe 30 years. Had 5 or 6 in the party (too many) … We teed off … thought we would never complete the first hole … Frustrated, embarrassed, look back and looked like a hundred or more waiting and watching … No place for me to hide … did not want to continue play, but hated to lose my $75 … Long story short … I sneaked off the course, put my old, outdated clubs in my old jalopy and began looking for any way out except by the clubhouse … Happy to wake up and realize it was a dream…

Had your shot? Hopefully the process will speed-up soon … Not sure anything positive is going to happen until and unless a majority of our friends and neighbors are vaccinated … Some will, some won’t, kinda of a mess … I have mine … It did not help my memory … every time I go out I forget to use a ‘mask’. I have a freebee from just about every place around … and, speaking of masks … folks speak, call me by name and for the life of me … I have no idea who they are … Think it’s a sign of old age … my old age…

Someone recently gave me a nice, really nice treadmill … I guess someone thought I would use it … and I am, about 3 minutes a couple of times a day … Guess that is better than nothing … barely better than no use at all … Evidence of little or no willpower on my part…

Weather forecast is for a 40% chance of rain, mainly between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 65 degrees. Tonight, patchy fog, otherwise partly cloudy, with a low around 44. Wednesday, partly sunny, with a high near 58.

“One good thing about being wrong is the joy it brings to others.”

“Has there been any insanity in your family?” “Yes doctor, my husband thinks he’s the boss.”

“Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand.”

“My job is secure. No one else wants it.”

robert g hester

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