Thoughts While Shaving
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My guess is you have received robo calls for several weeks, months about a warranty on your vehicle, or medicare … several indicated they were ‘last’ time calls … some from local phone numbers … had a couple of folks tell me their call came from their own number … The world we live in…

The “blame game’ is full steam ahead in DC … Should be lots of jobs available, with so many folks ‘stepping down’. I seldom watch FOX or CNN, never MSNBC … Have watched FOX and CNN ‘a little’ recently … like the tale of two different worlds. Finally cut both off.

Stock Market is wide open … just want retirement funds to continue to grow … for all…

Raining outside as I do ‘my thing’ this AM … likely to continue today and tonight with a slight chance of sleet and snow between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. … little or no chance of accumulation expected … 80% chance of rain today, 70% tonight. High temp today near 45 degree and windy, gusts as high as 18 mph … low tonight near 33.

High school and college coaches must be under much stress, between practices, and scheduling while dealing with coronavirus…

Still attempting to get a shot for COVID-19 … have a promise…

Remember those who are suffering, including many who have lost loved ones…

“Nobody care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” attributed to Theodore Roosevelt

“The closest thing to being cared for is to care for someone else.” Carson McCullers

“Want of care does us more damage than want of knowledge.” Benjamin Franklin

robert g hester

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