Thoughts While Shaving
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Political activity ‘pickin up’ at the state and national level. Always interesting how folks who prepare the ads can take a sound bite from a conversation and make a commercial … I ask myself did so ‘n so really say that … Usually did say, but taken out of context … And ALL do it … Not nitpicking any individual or party, just stating facts…

And there will be many more such instances over the next 3-plus months … Hold on, the ride will be interesting … state and national…

Saw Dr. Fauci’s attempt to throw out the first pitch for the Washington Nationals on opening night … I recall such an opportunity when I retired, a few years ago … On much smaller level, Charlotte’s baseball team during the regular season … As I stood on the mound all I could think about was making sure it was thrown toward the catcher … It was pitiful, bounced a time or two, but toward home plate…

Provided incorrect info on amount of rainfall over a recent 24-hour period … Stated we received none … correction, near none … less than a tenth of an inch … about an inch at the airport, about 4 miles east and over an inch north of Dublin … We still need rain … Next best chance appears to be Wednesday … 50% … Between now and then 20% to 30% associated with possible thunderstorms … It will be appreciated ‘whenever and however’. A couple of chances yesterday ‘fizzled out’ before arriving…

Expect another day in the 90-plus degree range … and the same for the next 7 days, according the National Weather Service…

Bladen County’s COVID-19 stats continue to rise … not good … I am ‘gun shy’ when it comes to mingling in a crowd … Prefer the friendly confines of Happy Valley with the squirrels, birds, no doubt snakes (but haven’t seen any recently) and whatever else resides in the creek behind our house…

And a final reminder … Church services in one form or another tomorrow (Sunday)…

“Be how you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Bernard M. Baruch

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde

“This above all: to thine own self be true.” William Shakespeare

robert g hester

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