Thoughts While Shaving
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Nothing more fun for me at my age than to meet up with a friend that I haven’t seen in a long time … Enjoy a brief conversation, kinda catch up on family … and move on…

Dreamed I was preparing to broadcast a high school football game … all night long … Just could not get everything ‘in place’ for a very important game.

My bucket list is getting shorter … age tends to take care of things like that…

Some of my friends have been exposed to new ‘strains’ of COVID-19 … Will I begin wearing a mask again, even after receiving shots? … Yep, love living…

Stock market is soaring … Help wanted signs everywhere … What if all subsidies were eliminated? … I mean all subsidies from federal sources … Some seem to be off the table…

I pray I live long enough to see fiber available at every home in the county … Moving in that direction, but still a long way to go … Federal and state government providing matching financial support…

Weather forecast for the next few days … A chance of showers and thunderstorms, mainly after 2 p.m. today. Mostly sunny with high near 94 … heat index as high as 102 … About the same for tomorrow … high near 95, windy and a 60% chance of rain…

“Ah Sunday….A Day of Rest…
Rest of the laundry,
Rest of the house,
Rest of all the other stuff I put off over the past week.”

“Relax, it’s the weekend … just don’t blink or it will be over.”

“Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.”

robert g hester

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