Thoughts While Shaving
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Seems there is a battle ongoing between the NC Legislature and the Governor on regulation related to coronavirus. … Numbers continue to climb, locally and statewide … Wonder if there was not a political race looming just weeks, months away, if the differences would be less? Just wondering out loud … no idea who is right and who is wrong … guess it is determined to a great degree if you prefer better health or more commerce … and there are strong arguments for both. … (In the world we live in today, everything is related to politics).

As of early this AM, 969 deaths recorded statewide, 114,000 in the US and 404,000 worldwide…

When I was in the political arena … eeeons ago … I disliked ‘gridlock’, but have come to the conclusion … it is not bad … in the political environment we operate in today. … Disagree??? understand … room for all.

Weather forecast indicates a better chance for rain over the next week or so … Mostly cloudy today with a high near 80, windy and a 60% chance of rain.

I am and have been a huge fan of local radio … hometown radio, and there are less outlets today than yesteryear. … Thinking back over the years, locally … Rudy Hickman, Norgie Hester, Tommy Covington at WBLA … that was the ‘crew’ when I arrived in the early ’60s.

Remember Troy McPherson at WTAB, Tabor City: Al Kahn, WAGR, Lumberton: Ben Johnson (Bladen County native) at WAGR, WBLA and WKLM … and the one and only Don Chase, longtime early morning man at WKLM in Fayetteville? I know I left some out … not intentionally … it’s a memory thing. … For newcomers, of those I mentioned, all deceased except Norgie, Don Chase and myself … and only Don still active…

“Crime does not pay … as well as politics.” Alfred E. Neuman

“Political success is the ability, when the inevitable occurs, to get credit for it.” Dr. Laurence J. Peter

“It’s so cold here in Washington, D.C., that politicians have their hands in their own pockets.” Bob Hope

robert g hester

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