Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingThanks to Wilbur Smith for sharing info related to his sister’s recent retirement from the U.S. Senate after 40 plus years on the job. Many folks in the Bladenboro area remember Ruby Smith, now Ruby Paone. Sometimes we wonder whatever happened to so and so. Well, Ruby not doubt has had a successful, interesting career in DC.

And thanks to Wilbur for sharing. Love it when local folks do well…

It seems there is a greater effort to place flags on gravesites in the area. The VFW is doing a good job making us aware of the holiday, as are others. Thanks for your efforts.

Had to travel to Wilmington yesterday. Traffic in the city was heavy but orderly. Between home and Leland, traffic was unreal and some poor decisions were being made. Saw on auto take to the shoulder to keep from hitting a truck head-on. Drive with care, share the roads, safely.

Nothing more beautiful than White Lake early in the morning, or any other time of the day.

I love calling Bladen County home.

Keep an eye and ear on the latest weather forecast. A storm continues to threaten the area.

Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. John F. Kennedy

For love of country they accepted death. James A. Garfield

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it. Mark Twain

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