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Some things you learn by living …

Retirement is not always what it is ‘cracked up” to be, but better than the alternative.

As a senior citizen, we tend to meet our friends at different locations. … In my earlier years, it was Little League, high school sports events, class reunions, church, smart shops, (the place where your smart friends meet for a cup of coffee and conversation and to share wisdom). Now, I see my friends on one of my numerous doctor visits, or at funerals, or at church on Sunday morning, sometimes the grocery store.

I am old enough to remember when a reunion of any kind was a ‘big deal’, examples, church reunion, class reunion, family reunion … now many of us are too busy doing ‘busy, must do’ projects or are just ‘worn out’ from doing little, or nothing. Some folks are so busy taking care of other folks business, they have little time to take care of their own, and I say that not condemning, but in a loving, caring way, visiting the sick, etc. Some are busy, think they are still young and work in the yard, in the house, on this and that. Age will adjust schedules, some slower, some quicker than others.

Sometimes it bothers me, then I realize other projects, some good, some not so good, take most of my time … ’cause I am busy doing very little.

I have learned that a tariff is a tax, that ‘talking heads’ on CNN, Fox & MSNBC do not think like I think, so I do not listen or watch. … I prefer Andy Griffith, Gomer Pyle, old 30-minute sitcoms that usually have a lesson buried deep in it. … Old Grand Ol’ Opry programs from the past. Few country artists of today can replace Jimmy Davis, Charlie Pride, Bill Anderson and Loretta Lynn and many other long time favorites of mine.

I have learned I cannot make it rain or stop raining, but I am learning to adjust. I have also learned too much or too little rain can cause problems.

Times have changed, I have changed, and my hope is I will live to see more changes.

Sometimes things we can’t change end up changing us.

Love is not what we say, love is what we do.

Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things change.

robert g hester

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