Thoughts While Shaving
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Temp was in the low 40s early this morning, forecast was for about 38 degrees … may have reached that … Sunny today, with a high near 64, windy with gusts up to 23 mph … Low tonight in the mid 30s. Wednesday night low should be about 32.

Good news on the medical front. Another company announcing a break-thru for another drug to combat the coronavirus. Should be available around the end of the year, but not available to ‘regular folks’ like me ’til early to mid 2021. Still, good news.

Don’t know that I have ever been as interested in any medication as a cure for a disease as this one. The world appears to be at a near stand-still. Will I take it? … Yep, if my doc says I should and it has been through all the stages to make sure it is safe.

Holidays just around the corner. Had another request for the new address for Elf Angels … mail contributions to Debbie Heustess, 10578 South College Street, Clarkton, NC 28433. Elf Angels is a volunteer group that provides Christmas for boys and girls countywide who would have little or no gifts come Christmas morn. Not new, been around for many years…

Remember when Christmas time consisted of going into the nearby woods, cutting down a tree, bring it home, decorate with what you had to work with … strips of paper and a little glue and crayons … a few ornaments saved from previous years and always a star at the top … fragile to say the least and, oh yes, place it at a window whether there were lights on it or not. Anyone else remember?

At our house, 6 children, few gifts, good homemade food and most likely a bible story. Santa brought nuts, apples and oranges, maybe a tangerine for each … some candy … Penny candy like Kits, Mary Janes and if he had a few extra bucks, a simple toy for each … I always wanted a baseball glove … He always ran out of those before he arrived at our place, so I was told. Good days … wonderful memories. Disappointments? Yep, but we understood. Most of our nearby friends had much of the same.

My mom taught us to love one another and we do today. Guess that’s the best gift of all.

“We may not have it all together, but together, we have it all.” Anonymous

“Overeating at Thanksgiving is a case in point. It’s a national tradition.” Eric Samuel Timm

“I suppose I will die never knowing what pumpkin pie tastes like when you have room for it.” Robert Brault

robert g hester

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