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Fall has arrived … I have been hummin’ a tune … “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”, and it is…

Great weather, today’s forecast … Sunny, with a high near 79, calm wind and no rain. Tonight, mostly clear, with a low around 58 … More of the same for the 7 days … Sunday will be the best chance of rain, 30%…

Past 72 hours or so, rainfall totals mostly in the 1.5 to 2 inch category in our area … some more, some less. Highest gust Tuesday night (tornado warning) was in the 30 mph range at the local airport weather station.

Think the recent presidential debate changed any minds? … Don’t think so … Diehard Trump fans think Biden was rude, Biden fans think Trump was rude and I agree with both … bad examples for youngsters just becoming aware of our system of government, not likely impressed … and that’s a shame…

Have you voted? I have not, waiting for early voting, in person at sites in the area.

I highly recommend FactCheck or Snopes to see who told the most truth … Either source has the facts … and actually I favor FactCheck.

Changing topics … Remember S&H green stamps? For the younger readers, merchants gave S&H green stamps when you made a purchase … Folks would save them, fill a book and start over. Stamps were redeemed for gifts (prizes) … Pretty good idea, but it ran its course … ended in the 70s, maybe 80s.

Hope your day is good, productive…

“Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is specifically your own.” Bruce Lee

“It is not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” Henry David Thoreau

“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” Theodore Roosevelt

robert g hester

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