Thoughts While Shaving
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2 weeks ’til election day. I am aware that from now ’til election, the rumor mill begins in politics, more so at the national level … but can happen at the state and local level … Check the national info at FactCheck or Snopes … online, no charge…

NFL scores from yesterday … Cards over the Cowboys 38-10 and Chiefs defeated Bills 26-17.

Speaking of NFL, the Carolina Panthers are operating under NFL’s intensive protocol … players, coaches and staff worked remotely yesterday and will do the same today … The latest casualty is Chris Reed, starting left guard … confirmed he had a symptomatic case of virus…

Reminder … One Stop voting (Early Voting) is underway at several locations in the county … For more info, google Bladen County Board of Elections … Do you vote for candidates you do not know anything about? I refuse to vote for anyone I do not feel good about, ‘R’, ‘D’, one of the lesser known candidates or unaffiliated … but who really knows? I leave unmarked … leave to those who hopefully know them better … than I do.

As I age, I make every effort to travel the road of least resistance … Do not like controversy…

Wearing a mask is frustrating, but if that keeps me safe … I will do it … (unless I forget) … See folks with mask on … not sure who they are, they speak and call my name … dang, who was that? Oh well, this to shall pass, hopefully soon.

I can imagine in the ’50s and ’60s, smart problem solvers sitting around a pop-bellied stove in a small country store anywhere in Bladen County with mask on? Not likely, ‘nobody going to tell me what to do!!!’

I have enjoyed quotes from Winston Churchill … recently shared by a friend…

“In the course of my life, I have often had to eat my words, and I must confess that I have always found it a wholesome diet.”

“Life is fraught with opportunities to keep your mouth shut.”

“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”

robert g hester

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