Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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Thoughts While ShavingNFL Monday night results…
Minnesota Vikings 22 – 49ers 17

The 49ers have not won a game in Minnesota since 1990.

Yesterday’s high temp … 68 degrees … at the local weather station … Today’s forecast … Sunny, with a high near 71. Tonight, clear, with a low around 48. Wednesday … Sunny, with a high near 80. Highs thru Sunday in the 80s with lots of sunshine … lows in the 50s. Other than a need for rain … no complaints…

Bladenboro Beast Fest all set for this weekend in the usual location … Downtown Bladenboro … All are welcomed … Across the street from the beautiful, hopefully soon to be, busy new downtown business location on Main Street.

Much news on Facebook recently, (past day or two), thanks to Lyn Shaw, including broadcasting high school football, locally … many volunteers in the local pressbox, along with the local WBLA-WGQR broadcast team … Had some questions about how long we broadcast local area football games … Not sure … began in mid to late ’60s on WBLA … taping and replaying on Saturday mornings. Remember lugging heavy Ampex tape recorders to a small press box, climbing up a wobbly old ladder … at old Elizabethtown High School, and similar situations at other local high schools … Later, with FM assistance, began broadcasting area games live, including a couple of state championships … a basketball game from NC State campus and a state championship football game from UNC-Chapel Hill … Had great assistance from numerous local volunteers … thru the early to mid 2010 time frame, maybe later … Never made much money, but had a great time … Thanks for the ‘Thoughts’…

Reminder of an All-Classes Reunion for all students who attended Clarkton High School from 1923 to 1993. The date is November 11th at Town Hall on 81 N. Elm Street in Clarkton … 1 to 5 p.m. … Also a follow up at 6155 White Plains Church Road, Council … $10 admission … Wingtips Band will entertain … Contact Glenn Batten or Wanda Burch … and if you need more info, call Renee Priest Cashwell at 910-322-0332.

Did you attend the NC State Fair last week? No doubt in good company … and lots of folks … 926,425 attended this year’s annual event…

Redistricting is ongoing in the NC Legislature, mostly behind closed doors, as happened in the past by both political parties … What happened to Open Meeting Law? … Again, not one political party … both do it … Forget sunshine … I know … Trust Us…

Years ago, our family of sharecroppers would enjoy a day of fishing, many times, this time of year, in places most likely shared with all types of wild game … including snakes … It was fun … but never without thinking of what is nearby?

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” Albert Einstein

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” Mae West

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt

robert g hester

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